Monday, January 6, 2014

What are the best pair of earbuds for less than $100?

good headphones 60
 on Details about Bose MIE2i Headphones - Black/White (used/good) IN BOX
good headphones 60 image
Q. I've been looking into getting a pair of Sennheiser CX 300 in-ear headphones ($60-80) for an iPod 30GB Video I'm getting for my 14th birthday next month. I want to know of other varieties of in-ear headphones that are less than $100 and have a comparison with the stock iPod and know how they do with bass, treble, and mids. You can also tell me about how the Senns are.

In canal shure is the best , the new ones are in range of 480$
The older shure version (E2C) for 62$ should be a good bet
Hey It still is a shure, just a gen older, and hasa recieved real good reviews...
I m pasting one here:

great product, and Shure stands by it, January 22, 2005

Like many people, I was tempted by the good reviews but reluctant to pay so much for a pair of tiny earphones. Finally, almost 2 years ago, I bought a pair.

Like all of the other reviews here state, the Shure E2c's sound GREAT. They are very balanced, and let you hear the subtle details of your music, making the music almost come alive in your head. They turn your MP3 player or Discman into an audiophile-quality stereo system.

The E2c blocks outside noise by forming a very tight seal in your ear. In contrast, "noise canceling" earphones, such as the popular ones by Bose, do not block outside noise from reaching your ear, rather they add their own electronically generated noise which is supposed to cancel out the outside noise. I've never had good results with the various noise canceling headphones I've tried; plus, they require batteries to generate the noise-canceling noise. The E2c's block noise without batteries, and without adding any artificial noise or discoloration to your music. It works very well. I especially appreciate it at gym, on the bus or subway, and on a plane. (Warning - PLEASE don't wear the E2c's while driving or bicycling or any other time that safety requires your full attention!)

The build quality of the E2c's is very good - the cord and plug are thicker and sturdier than competing earphones. For 2 years, I heavily used and abused my E2c's, especially at the gym. Literally hundreds and hundreds of times, I've plugged and unplugged them into my various MP3 players, hastily wound and unwound the cord, and tossed them into my gym bag, usually without using the protective case that comes with the E2c's. Despite the very good build quality, my heavy use led finally to a short: when the cord was wiggled in a certain way, the sound on the left side would briefly go out.

I went to Shure's website and saw that they have a 2-year warranty. I sent my E2c's to Shure for repair, hoping it would be covered by warranty, but prepared to pay if Shure felt the problem was due to wear and tear (because, in fact, it was). Two weeks later, I received from Shure a BRAND-NEW PAIR of E2c's - they decided the problem WAS covered by the warranty, and wanted me to have a new pair rather than repairing my old ones!!!

This is more than I expected, and will make me a repeat buyer of Shure products! I especially appreciate this level of service given the lackluster support I've received from so many other companies.

What are the charges on petty theft for a minor?


I am 17. Live in California. And today i was caught stealing headphones that were $60 from Best Buy. The security gaurd detained me and wrote a report of petty theft. He called the cops and told them i was cooperative and that i was caught stealing and that i am a minor. I also have a clean record. My parents are out of town. So they called my older brother to pick me up. My brother signed the paper and they let me walk out with him and said the papers that will have my fine and court date will be in the mail and be at my house in 3-4 week. I was wondering how much do you think the fine will be? And will it be put on my record? And also i turn 18 in 3 weeks. So do i need my parents to be at the court appeal?

It's called theft under.
It varies by county, court, judge, circumstances, etc. The most common penalties are court fines, community service, or a combination of both. If the county you committed the crime in offers it, there are also mandatory Diversion classes. In some cases, your case will be dismissed (not convicted) after completion of this class. You will probably also have to pay restitution to the store or business you stole from. Yes one of your parents have to be there as you are a minor.Did you sign anything at the store. If you did that's an admission of guilt. You can't appeal judges decision if you haven't been
tried yet. Wasting the courts time when you are guilty isn't good & the judge frowns upon it.Good Luck & I hope you have learned your lesson.

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