Friday, January 17, 2014

Why do people still have a problem with blacks?

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Like even on yahoo answers there are people who just are flat out cruel and rude and they honestly have no reason for it. Just to say something mean im guessing but why?? what makes them think all this ignorant stereotype? The same old all black people are ghetto and have a lack of education and horrible horrible things. Almost as if things got worst? no that we have a black president and there are still lots of people that have absolutely nothing nice to say.Is it just pure jealousy? does anyone know why?

Even though you are 10% of the population you commit about 49% of violent crimes.

You are also 33% of those on welfare--If you were just as smart and hard working as white people only 10% of people on welfare would be black--so we have to pay for your stupidity and laziness.

A lot of you are rude and loud--listing to music with no headphones in libraries.

Also its because you always blame the white man when he gives you every chance in the world.

Because you still haven't recovered from slavery and probably never will. It was over 100 years ago and no black alive today was ever a slave and very few were segregated back in the day. Every other race gets over abuse quick. Here's a secret other blacks, Indians, and Arabs also used you as slaves back then. We whites were the only ones to free you. Some Arabs still have black slaves even today. But maybe we should have left you in Africa to die from aids.

That is why we have a problem with you.

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