Thursday, January 30, 2014

american to australian dollars?


okay so there's these headphones which are AU $500 and US $300
if i bought them from america would i get them cheaper seeing as the american and australian dollar are close now?
why havent any of the prices changed?


I don't know. There shouldn't be over $5.00 difference because the Australian dollar is worth 1 cent more than a US dollar is right now.

What are some good headphones?


My price range is anything up to 500 dollars, and the minimum I want to spend is 300.
Does anyone know GOOD headphones which have good quality and DO NOT look bad. I was thinking about buying beats studio's since I already own the solo's hd but I was hoping to receive some positive alternatives.
Thank you for your help.

Throughout my life, I have purchased countless amounts of headphones, from Klipsch to Bose to Monster, and to this day, my Beats Studios are still the best headphones I have ever owned. I have had them for around 2 years now, and they still sound absolutely incredible. I am aware that you already have solos, but the Studio's sound and bass are 100x better than the solos. So if I were you, I would sell your solos and go with the studios. You definitely won't be disappointed.

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