Thursday, April 3, 2014

what can 11 year old kids do an a airplane?

Fred R

i live in Michigan and i am traveling to Mexico and we stop in Memphis Tn on the way.
i do not have a dvd player
i can not just sit therer and be board

take some playing cards, its fun to play while waiting to board the plane

take a few books, i love reading on the airplane

gameboys, even at 13 i still play pokemon

puzzle books like wordsearches or sudokus

GUM - gd for taking off

***girls only***take a brush and hairties, i always play with my hair and braid it and what not

start talking to the guy next to you, i dont do this personally but ive known ppl who do

take coloring books

take a pencil bag filled with pencils pens markers and crayons

take paper

write letters or become the next picasso

girls only**gossip magazines are a must, m and tiger beat and even cosmogirl

cd player/mp3/ipod-dont forget your headfones and cds

HEADPHONES listen and watch the movies on the plane

a travel pillow- a little sleep cant hurt can it

How can I keep my kids occupied on the airplane??


I'm traveling cross-country on an airplane without my husband to help with my 3 kids (ages 4, 5, and 6). Do you have any ideas of how I can keep them occupied on the airplane? If I bring their "learning laptops" or Leapsters, will they be able to play with them without driving everyone else batty? Electronic devices are probably my best bet for keeping them quiet, but those make noise themselves and don't have headphones. I want to be sensitive to the other travelers, but also to my children at the same time. Any tips?
Can I clarify that our total travel time (not including driving to/from the airport, which adds an extra hour and a half) will be 10 hours and 50 minutes. I also cannot afford to buy new gaming systems when they just got Leapsters for Christmas and the airfare alone for this trip is over $1000. So basically I guess my question is this - would my travelmates rather hear the kids playing/singing/chatting amongst themselves at a 4-5-6 year old level, or would they rather hear electronic devices? LOL It's more of a trade off... They can't color for 10 hours! Or read quietly for 10 hours (when only one is a real "reader" anyway). Me reading them a story only takes about 5-10 minutes. :)

colouring in books
portable dvd player and some dvds of the kid's fav shows
make them stay up really late before the flight and then they're so tired they sleep the whole time

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