Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Can anybody recommend the best wireless headphones for my hearing impaired grandfather so he can watch tv?

good headphones wireless
 on ... Wireless Headphones with Memory Function - good quality FM Wireless
good headphones wireless image

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He wears hearing aids so I want over-the-ear headphones that are wireless, but there are so many models it's hard to figure out which ones are good. I don't care about the price, I just want the clearest and best sound quality for watching TV.

My husband is hard of hearing. I'm merely a little off (or do they really have to blare commercials and then have people whispering in the first scene of the show? lol) We use headphones while we watch TV. I can't tell you if they're the best, but they're good enough that when one finally died, I asked for another one last Christmas. We use Sentry HO880 from Radio Shack. (I think hubby gets them from Amazon, so he doesn't even have to drive over to Radio Shack.) Now, they are battery operated, they need AA batteries, and we get about 20 hours of TV watching before needing to replace them, so we should buy stock in Energizer. AND the other bad side is the cover to the batteries breaks, so we end up using scotch tape, which makes changing batteries annoying. BUT they're good enough that it's worth the bad side for us.

Also, because hubby will need hearing aids (sooner or later. He knows, he just can't seem to get it done for one reason or another lol), he did check it out. Hearing aids aren't needed while wearing these, so it will save on hearing aid batteries.

How much could all this sell as a package on eBay?


Just wondering how much I could sell all of these all together..

- Basic white xbox 360 model with hard drive (w/ wires)
- Ear force XC1 wired headphones
- Wireless internet adapter
- Black xbox controller
- NCAA Football 2011
- Dead Space 2
- Modern Warfare 3
- CoD: Black Ops
- Madden 09
- LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

(It would also be a lot of help if you could put an individual price for each)


I would suggest looking up the average price for all of these on Amazon. Add them up to what they all cost, then shave a little bit off. You're probably looking at around $300 for everything you've got there if it is all in good condition. In the description, you may want to inform people how much it would all cost separately as opposed to how much you are asking for the bundle.

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