Monday, April 14, 2014

A Headphones question?

Goofy Goof

I want to buy some headphones but have a few questions

one amazon there are OverEar, OnEar, and EARbud headphones
i know what earbud headphones are but the other two look the same is there any difference?

I want to use the headphones to listen to music from my phone/psp and also would be nice if i could use them to hear sound from my tv whenim playing ps3 at night.

Any good ones for under $30?

Overear means they cup over your ear, they fit your entire ear inside the cup
Onear means that they just sit against your ears, so they can get a little uncomfortable because they push your ears against your skull.
overear are usually better -- they're more comfortable and better at blocking sound, but that's not to say that there arent amazingly great onear headphones out there

what you're looking for (leaking sound) is something that a lot of people dont want. usually if you want to hear outside noise you put one ear on and one ear off.

here's some good headphones:;bingo.5
these are really good, i had them for a while. You cannot wear them around your neck -- they will strangle you. they're really flimsy, so you feel like you're going to break them all the time, but sound-wise they're really good. They have a good strong bass, a level mid-range and a clear, crisp treble.
i've had these forever. They are absolutely amazing. they're over-ear style, extremely comfortable, and they have amazing sound. they have moderate noise-canceling, and they keep your sound in pretty well, though not as well as some others i've used. you should look at all the sennheiser HD20_ series (i think there's 1, 2 and 3 now, though i'm not sure);contentBody
these are also on-ear headphones, and more comfortable than the Koss. They have really soft leather over the ears, so wearing them for a long time isn't too big of a problem. they've got really good sound, and they're not as flimsy as the Koss, but they are still pretty lightweight. Great portability, and great sound. i havent owned these (the other two above i have) but my school has them for use in the computer labs. They last a long time, otherwise the freshmen would have torn them up by now.

that's all i can really find under 30. Earbuds, if you want them to be good, you've gotta look in the $50-$100 range. Earbuds are easily made, and usually they're made pretty badly.Headphones literally have speakers in them, little amps. In buds, it's hard to get enough amps to really give a good sound. A lot of times you'll get a muddy bass and a shaky treble, and if you go above mid-volume you end up with distorted sound.
in the last two years i've been through 17 pairs of headphones, ranging from $4 to $200. The Sennheisers, though not the most impressive, have been some of the best headphones i've ever used. They're kinda flimsy, the cord is 6ft long (i put a rubber band around it) but the sound is incredible. In terms of sound, these beat Dr Dre's by miles (and miles, and miles, and miles). They look cool (people are always saying how my headphones look super expensive, meanwhile i got them for $20 on sale) and they work really, really well. They keep a lot of minimal noise out, like my brother playing video games downstairs, but i can still hear my mom when she yells at me to do the dishes. I'd recommend them highly for you.

good luck!

top review monster headphones ?


i was wondering was the best headphone for iphone 4 by monster or bose?

I would guess neither. The "best" (whatever that means) headphones at most price points would probably be from a company such as Grado, Shure, Sennheiser etc. Monster and Bose make headphones that are average, at best. People who care about sound quality recognize that Bose are regarded as good simply because they spend a lot of money on advertising, whereas Monster rely on celebrity endorsements to give their products a bit of "street cred".

To find out what headphones are really the best, check out some of the reviews on the headphone fanatic site, . The guys there are passionate about their sound and have reviewed almost every headphone available. At every price point you will find a few headphones that keep coming up as being the best. They won't include Bose or Monster Beats.

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